Monday, 10 December 2007

Day 200- Taking a break from my blog...

I’m taking a little break from writing my blog. Its not forever as I love doing my blog as it allows me to really express myself as much as it irks some people. You can’t keep this fat chick down.

Life just seems to be really busy at the moment and I feel that if I cant put 100 percent into this then I am cheating myself and I guess you the reader.

So much is going on in my life at the moment…I am feeling extremely lost and disillusioned. I guess you could say I am at a cross roads in life. Have you ever stood at a cross road and looked to one side and seen and I guess desired new beginnings and then looked to the other side and seen routine and normality and no changes whatsoever? Well if you have experienced that then you might understand how I am feeling.

Anyways…I want to wish you all a gorgeous Christmas and a safe New Year. To all those who haven’t been banded yet, motherfuckers eat as much as you can possibly stuff in (hee hee) and to the ones that have had the band like myself I pray that Xmas is a beautiful spew free day. A joyous time with all your family and friends around you, take a moment and feel thankful to have what we have.

Big love and hugs and more from me in the New Year!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

please come back...its very quiet here! Hope you had a great New Year!