Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Day 188 - All is well in Reney Land…for once!

It’s been a good day, even though it was a rather routine like sort if day. I woke up, I went to work, finished work and then caught up with Gee and the girls at a local coffee shop for a quick cup of coffee and hugs and kisses from Tashi and Dee.

I barfed my lunch and it was rather quick and painless but managed a bowl of lentil soup for dinner and that went down and stayed down.

I guess my only negative thing was 3 small cases of my heart racing throughout the day but hey it didn’t kill me and sadly for all you guys I am still alive and breathing. Muahahahaha.

That’s been my day in a nutshell. Relatively quiet, relatively boring, relatively routine like.

May everything be as cruisey in your world as it is in mine.

Peace out



Anonymous said...


god to hear that all is well with you but is that it?
i wanted to hear some more.
keep up the great blog you are very funny and write so well


Tee said...


You are a pest but I love you!
