Saturday, 24 November 2007

Day 184 - Election Day has finally arrived!!!

My migraine has finally subsided YAY!!!

I made it just in time for my Bikram Yoga class this morning and I walked out of the session with all my clothes stuck to me. I haven’t perspired this much for such a long time. The class was intense and it was really hard. My body feels so stiff at the moment and at one point the heat made me feel so light headed I thought I was going to have a near death experience. Okay that’s exaggerated but I am trying to paint the picture on how intense this class is.

Today is Election Day and fuck I am so antsy and on edge. I feel sick. If Howard wins I think I will spew. No, literally spew. Having said that even if Kev wins I’m going to spew out of sheer exhilaration and nervousness.

I had a hilarious moment at the voting station. I walked up to the volunteers who hand out the how to vote leaflets, you know the dudes I’m talking about right? I put my arms up in the air and let out this HUGE “I only want the Labor ones thanks” The Labor dude let the most massive grin and handed me the paperwork and patted me on the back. I do love causing a scene!! Truly a comical moment for me and I pissed myself from laughing.

The rest of the day I have had ManBoy ringing me almost hourly asking me if I have voted yet. We had a conversation that was a little something like this:

M: “Babe, have you voted yet?”
R: “uhuh, just got back”
M: “Now, promise me you followed the sheet like I explained”
R: “Yes I grabbed the pencil and drew penises in the boxes”
R: “Dickhead!!! Of course I voted properly I am a fucking Labor Voter to the end and to the death”

ManBoy is involved with The Young Labor Party Movement and is one of the dudes that hands out the leaflets. How hilarious is that? We are both manic Labor Party Voters, which I find completely hysterical.

Tonight ManBoy asked me to join him and some of his friends to watch the elections and part of me was keen to go but the other half convinced me not to go. Why? Because when I am passionate about something I carry on like a pork chop and then I start dropping words like “motherfucker, cunt, whore, slapper, slut, cocksucker, anal fuck” and so forth. I think ManBoy would die if I started on one of my rants in front of his friends. Hopefully ManBoy will pop around later tonight after the elections so I can hear how his day went.

I spent the late afternoon with Gee and the girls, we went and sat at our local Maccas and let the girls play on the swings whilst we had coffee. I enjoy hanging with Gee and the girls. We had a lovely chat.

Anyways…food has been, well sort of okay as I only have had a tub of yoghurt, a few walnuts and almonds, waters, coffees and dinner tonight has really only been a glass of choclate flavored soy milk (another one of my new addictions..Hmmm….yummy)

That’s been my day in a nutshell



Tee said...


Have you lost more weight? Your face is looking hot baby.


Mel said...

You are looking GREAT!! how much have you lost now?

YAY!! our votes were worth it :P when walking in to vote everyone went to hand me their papers, i kindly said "no thanks, maybe someone else will want that one, as i dont" :P hahah! mum just looked at me and laughed. No more shy mel :P
