Saturday, 17 November 2007

Day 177 – Hangin’ with my bitches…

I was dreading today with a passion. Why? Because I was scheduled to work and I was just not looking forward to it. I really shouldn’t complain as I think this is the first Saturday I have been asked to work all year. But by now you all have gathered I’m sure that I like a good whinge…

So the alarm went off at 6.30 and I could not open my eyes for the life of me. My migraine was still present and I felt fucked, but not as fucked as last night. Nonetheless I eventually crawled out of bed at 7.00am and since then my day hasn’t stopped.

I raced to the local café and shouted everyone strong lattes and then got to work and cranked Rage on and worked my fat arse off. I just wanted to get out of there. At least I have next Wednesday off which should compensate.

Lap band wise I really have no appetite but I can assure you that this is migraine related. I tried eating some yoghurt and almost dry retched from the smell. My sense of smell is amped when I have migraines. I just wanted to sit at my word desk with dark glasses on and just zone out. But alas that aint what life is about. We all have to soldier on and do our thing. I was on nothing but coffee and water for the bulk of my day and I had a little bit of fish for dinner.

The bulk of my day I hung out with Gee and her daughters (my bitches) Tashi and Dee. We had a blast. We went out for the bulk of the afternoon stopping to have coffee at our favorite local café. A spot of shopping and a load of laughter. We got yelled at by a very irate shop owner…let me explain.

We went into one of those cheap junk stores, similar to a $2 shop. I let Gee look around and do her thing in peace, whilst I took the girls down the toy section and let them choose a present. This shop has shit scattered everywhere. There were toys on the ground; the aisles were covered with everything you could think of. So the shop owner comes bolting around the corner of the aisle whilst the girls and I stood about 3 meters away from him and he started cursing us out in his foreign tongue and then started saying in English “Children no good” Well firecracker Reney saw red and thought no fuck you, you arsehole the toys were already strewn all over the place and my bitches didn’t do this.

Before I go any further let me tell you if the girls had destroyed his store I would have made them clean it up and if they wouldn’t I would have cleaned it up for them. Let me also add that there is so much shit all over the place that you cant even walk in a straight line as you are dodging buckets of crap.

So Firecracker Reney turned around (rather fast I must ad and shaking my brains so much I got a dizzy spell) and I lost all control of my volume control and let out an “Ahhh no excuse me sir, the girls didn’t mess your store up” and waited for a reaction, instead the motherfucker grunted at me!!!

This is when I wish I could start bashing people for giving me the shits. Sadly, I grabbed the girls by the hand and directed them out of the aisle. Payback is a bitch though as when we did turn the corner I oops, whoops a daisy bought down a pile of things and kept walking. Don’t mess with me arsewipe. Hee hee hee hee. God it felt great!

So I had my dinner at my parents and decided to go around to Gee’s (yeah, yeah, we seem to be spending heaps of time together but it was 5 and a bit months since we really hung out like this…there’s a lot of catching up to do) ManBoy is away for the weekend and I am on my lonesome.. Boo hoo.

So I walked in to Gees place and lo and behold I finally got to see my aunt who had the lap band. Fuck I am so proud of her. She has managed to lose 12 odd kilos in I think about 3 weeks-ish and she looks great. She has a long, long way to go, just as I do but it was a great improvement. I think though that she thinks it’s a bit of “the magical wand” mentality. You know what I mean right? Abracadabra I have a lap band in me so why the fuck have I not lost 60 kilos in 6 weeks. Familiar with that mentality? From what I can tell she is still a little bit maybe confused or perplexed if that’s the best way to describe it, on how this whole thing works and how what may work for me may not necessarily work for her. All in good time I guess and I guess I can help her along the way as best as I possibly can. I am stoked for her and she is looking a million bucks. Yay for her!

So that’s my juice for the day…

Stay beautiful y’all


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