Thursday, 15 November 2007

Day 175 – I’m run off my feet!

Would you check out what time it is? Its 10.25pm and I finally have the opportunity to sit down, relax and write on my blog.

I have been up since 6am this morning and I seriously have not stopped. My feet are sore, my body aches but my arse hole feels great (hee hee). I checked my emails and I have 60 new messages. So what I am trying to say is that guys I will get to you all …don’t know when but I will. I just hope none of you think I am snobbing you off coz I aint. I am just dead set run off my feet. I feel like I am being stretched all over the place. GRRRRR.

Work was chaos and I hit the wall (not literally) at 4pm and was almost ready to curl up under my desk and take a quick nap. I contemplated going to sleep for 40 minutes and thought ahh fuck it Im gunna do it. I have a relatively large counter so I quietly crawled under my desk and placed the yellow pages at one end as if they were my pillows and then pulled the 2 chairs back in so I could be well hidden. I got comfortable, closed my eyes and then the damned phone started screeching. So I had to push the chairs and crawl out. My boss Andrew is going to fucking kill me when he reads this. Sorry man but I was exhausted!!

Straight after work I raced to Chady to meet up with ManBoy for a quick coffee and a chat. It was awesome to see him and always so nice to hang out. We almost had our first fight as he said I looked like a “Wog Mamma” with my work clothes on. I slapped him right across the back of his head, which is very violent, but fuck it was hilarious. He was giggling like a 5 year old. There were people just staring at us in utter amazement. Which just triggered me into the giggles. We have this really weird habit that we no longer sit across from one another we always want to sit next to each other. Strange…. but nice.

I then raced to my parents for dinner and then went off with Gee back again to Chady for a spot of shopping and coffee. I was soooo impressed with myself, as I bought NOTHING but a few groceries. How ace is that? We tried clothes on and gave each other honest critiques.

An observation I made…Gee and I went into Sportsgirl as Gee had something to do in there and my first observation was fuck I feel truly old in there, my second observation was that all the “little” girls in there who work there are all seriously suffering from “Lollipop Syndrome”. You know big heads on skeletal frames. It was rather alarming. I saw 5 sales assistants and I swear the largest one was a size 8. Obesity aint a great thing but either is this. It was seriously gross. The little sales assistant was actually a friend’s daughter was working and she is 16 looking like she was 40. Old and haggard. I know that this young girl is suffering from anorexia nervosa but surely the whole store cannot seriously be suffering from the same illness. It was gross that’s all I’m saying.

If I had the guts I would have bought them all some food and forced fed them. What are our young girls, our future, doing to themselves? And why are we just sitting back and letting them do this to themselves? I wonder if they realise what damage they are doing to their bodies?

Anyways, I’m out as my bed is calling my name.

Big love


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